Help the children in need

International English Language Program

Concept of CFCHO

CFCHO created the concept from a passion to leverage our professional high level skill-sets, experiences, knowledge and resources to aid in students to learn the art of the English Language.  On the hill of this concept birth the idea of Bridging the Gap of Education Disparities via the “Knowledge Is Power” (K.I.P) project.

Team of Professionals

As a team of diverse professionals with a passion to become mentors and tutors we are interested in building children’s learning aptitude as an added-value to the lessons taught by their teachers.


CFCHO International English pilot program has started in Colombia. The purpose is to work alongside with the native teachers to assist in teaching children who are challenged with understanding the art of the English language relating to Math, Science, and English. Excessive needs have been expressed resulting in the formation of this project. 


Populations served are males and females between the ages of 7 to 17 years old. This project will benefit the children on many levels from understanding how to speak and write and English, restoring their confidence and reduction in crime.

System Introduced by Colombia Government

Colombia Government has introduced a system whereby students are not allowed to enter into the university without passing particulars exams identified as Instituto Colombiano para el Fomento de la Educación Superior (ICFEs), the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education”). English is one of the required subjects in the ICFES program, which students are expected to obtain passing grades. Therefore, most of the Afro Colombians do not have access to the university to further their education.

Headed By

The proposed education project will be spread-headed by Mr. Shadrack Kwakye Project Director and Ms. Linda Pigue.


Project timeline commence on May 18 to August 18, 2020; second session is September 18, thru December 18, 2020. Both sessions consist of three months and are held Monday thru Friday between the hours of 10:00 am to 4:00 pm each day. 

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Want to Donate ?

CFCHO is seeking support to make this dream a reality via funding, or offering materials such as: English books, refurbished laptops, and school supplies to support our program. Donations: click here  or please contact Michell via email at:

We believe is giving humble recognition via all of our marketing promotions to individuals and or companies willing to give towards our needs.

Event Payments and Donations Are Tax Deductible
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    CFCHO understands the YOUTH has the power and drive to make changes. They are the true leaders in this world, creating footprints among other aspiring individuals in rebuilding and reshaping a better community. Give them the right tools and guidance and watch magic happens.